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Preparing for Fatherhood: What Every Dad Should Know Before Baby Arrives

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What Every Dad Should Know Before Baby Arrives

Preparing for Fatherhood: What Every Dad Should Know Before Baby Arrives

Alright, guys. Buckle up! I’m a father of three boys, and I’ve been through the baby boot camp a few times now. And let me tell you, I’m still puzzling it all together. So, if you’re preparing for fatherhood, here’s a bit of advice from someone who’s survived it—mostly with my sanity intact.

1. Expect the Unexpected

Babies are like tiny, unpredictable ninjas. You think you’ve got it figured out, and then, bam! They hit you with a projectile spit-up when you’re least prepared.

  • Lesson learned: Keep a burp cloth handy at all times, even when you’re holding the baby at arm’s length.
  • Pro tip: Practice your reflexes. Seriously. The number of things I’ve caught mid-air could qualify me for a spot in the circus.

2. Sleep While You Can

Everyone tells you to sleep now, and they’re right. I used to think I could handle sleepless nights—after all, I stayed up late in college! But baby sleep deprivation? It’s on a whole other level.

  • Reality check: You’re going to be a walking zombie. But unlike in horror movies, there’s no cure for this one, except maybe coffee. Lots of coffee.
  • Partner tip: Tag team with your partner on sleep shifts. Trust me, you’ll both appreciate any extra Z’s you can get.

3. Master the Art of the Nappy Change

This is the one that gets most new dads. Nappies. They’re like an escape room puzzle, except messier and smellier.

  • Pro tip: Get a nappy-changing station ready, stocked with wipes, nappys, and at least one change of clothes. Also, a little trick I learned: roll the onesie down instead of over the head if there’s a nappy disaster. Trust me, it’ll save you some clean-up time.
  • Bonus tip: Keep a spare shirt for yourself in the car. You’ll thank me later.

4. You Will Say Things You Never Thought You’d Say

“Who pooped on the couch?” “Did you just eat that?!” These phrases and many others will become part of your daily vocabulary.

  • Example: One time, I asked my son why he was licking the window, and I still don’t have an answer.
  • Humor required: If you’re not already a fan of dad jokes, now’s the time to embrace them. Laughter is the only thing that’ll get you through some days.

5. Gear Up, But Don’t Go Overboard

I remember wandering through a baby store like I was in a foreign land. There’s so much stuff! But, believe me, you don’t need all of it. Babies have survived for centuries without electric bottle warmers and wipe warmers.

  • Essentials: Nappies, wipes, onesies, a car seat, and a crib. Everything else is optional, trust me.
  • Save some cash: You’ll probably get a lot of the essentials as gifts. Consider checking out some online lists of “baby must-haves” to avoid unnecessary purchases. Parenting magazine has a good guide for keeping it simple.

6. You’re Going to Be Fine

Finally, and this is important—relax. You’re going to mess up. It happens. I’ve made my share of dad blunders, and my boys are still alive and (mostly) well-adjusted. Fatherhood isn’t about perfection; it’s about being there and trying your best.

So, welcome to the club! The days ahead are going to be a blur of mess, love, and total confusion. But you’ve got this. And remember, no matter how tough things get, there’s a whole brotherhood of dads out there who’ve been right where you are now—wondering why the baby won’t stop crying, why their favorite shirt smells like sour milk, and what day of the week it is.

Now, go grab a nap while you can. You’re gonna need it.

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